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90+ Signs You’re Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted (According to Experts)

Source: UpJourney

UpJourney collected input from mental health professionals, including Caron's Dr. Camille St. James who reinforced the signs of burnout, emotional exhaustion, and awareness. If you are experiencing or interested in learning more about the warning signs of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion and what you can do to help yourself or loved ones practice mindfulness, relaxation techniques and improve overall well-being, read 90+ Signs You’re Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted (According to Experts).

Our mind and body align with saying, 'We are tired.' If we hear or sense this, best to listen to what we are communicating to ourselves."

Dr. Camille St. James
Source: UpJourney
A man and a woman leaning on each other

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