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Raj Lewis

Raj Lewis
Outpatient Therapist
Raj Lewis

As a therapist at the Caron Philadelphia Outpatient Treatment Center, Raj Lewis does assessments and evaluations for new clients, provides individual therapy, and facilitates group therapy. To see people in recovery find meaningful connections and support each other motivates his work.

Raj has been in the helping profession for almost 20 years, working with people from all walks of life. Before coming to Caron in 2024, he was the program director for a nonprofit focused on assistance for people in poverty, including those struggling with homelessness and addiction. He led a team providing addiction and mental health counseling and case management and developed new programs. Prior to that work, he was an addiction counselor and case manager at a behavioral health and addiction treatment center and an outpatient therapist at an addiction treatment center. He also worked for several years as the director of a transitional housing community for men coming out of incarceration.

Raj has a Master of Arts in counseling psychology from Biblical Theological Seminary, Hatfield, Pennsylvania, and a Bachelor of Arts in comparative religion from Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.

A man and a woman leaning on each other

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