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Michael Cardinale

Michael Cardinale
Family Therapist
Michael Cardinale

Michael Cardinale’s primary role as a family therapist is guide and support patients and their families to create better relationships with each other and a healthy and caring family system.

It begins with looking at families of origin to see the patterns of behavior, both positive and negative, to better understand why families interact, act, and react in the ways they do. From there, Michael uses proven therapeutic approaches and psychoeducation to help the patient and family members build trust, learn healthy behaviors, and create meaningful connections.

Before coming to Caron Florida’s Ocean Drive Program, Michael was in private practice for two years and before that worked for two years as a family therapist for Caron Florida’s Renaissance Program. Those experiences gave him a good foundation for the work he does now. Working with the Renaissance patients and their families built his knowledge of the overarching Caron treatment philosophy and its emphasis on the role of family systems. As a family therapist in private practice, he gained experience in understanding and helping couples and families unpack their family culture in order to create more conscious healthy relationships.

Michael is a licensed clinical social worker trained in internal family systems and emotionally focused therapy. He has a Master of Social Work from Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton.

A man and a woman leaning on each other

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