Our Team

Marguerite Kelly

Marguerite Kelly
Regional Alumni and Family Coordinator
Washington, DC
Marguerite Kelly

In this role, Marguerite Kelly makes connections for Caron alumni and family members in the Washington, D.C., area and builds community to help support a healthy recovery.

She also provides resources, like recovery groups, campus recovery supports, sober living houses, and other as needed. Her goal is to ensure that patients and family members can build a foundation for healthy recovery well before they leave treatment and as they create new lives post-treatment.

It’s a job she is perfectly suited for, given her education and background. Marguerite is a Caron alum with several years of both professional and volunteer experience supporting others in recovery. Prior to coming to the Caron Washington, D.C. Recovery Center in 2022, Marguerite worked at Encore Outpatient Services as a recovery coach/clinical associate. She met with patients individually to help them identify recovery resources for post-treatment support and assisted with group therapy. She also worked as a recovery technician at a transitional living house, providing assistance and support to residents, helping with intake, social activities, and other needs.

Marguerite has a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology, with a minor in rehab and human services from Penn State University, State College. She was active throughout her college career in the Penn State recovery community.

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