Education Alliance Resource Kit


Multimedia hand

Many Resources in Multiple Formats

Explore our library of blogs, podcasts, videos, social media and print material to gain knowledge and support for all your efforts surrounding substance use prevention, intervention and recovery. Resources are accessible via your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Caron's Prevention Connection: YOUR Resource for Supporting Substance Free Youth is available on Facebook. The feed offers tips and tools for parents and child-serving professionals on how to help build resiliency in youth and help them learn how to avoid substances.

Parent Podcast, My Child & Addiction: Parent-to-Parent Podcast Series, is an ongoing series featuring parents sharing how they are coping with the challenges of parenting a child with Substance Use Disorder. The group includes mothers and fathers, some in recovery, married and not, with teenage to adult children.

Caron’s Conversations That Matter- Behavioral Health Strategies for Building Resilience in Youth is a podcast series that explores issues that affect youth mental and behavioral health and provides practical strategies for raising, nurturing, teaching, and encouraging children and teens to build healthy patterns that last a lifetime. Listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

The Powerful Parenting Prevention in 3 Minutes Video Series: This video series of micro-lesson provides parents with information and tips on topics that are key to guiding their child to a healthy lifestyle and creating a substance-free youth culture within their family. Each lesson is presented by an expert from Caron Treatment Center’s Education Alliance. At Caron, we know the best time to stop substance use is before it starts. Available in English and Spanish.

Your Prevention Connection YouTube Video Playlist has regularly recorded topical videos of Caron's prevention specialists who offer quick tips for parents and educators. Videos are typically less than 5 minutes in length.

Cannabis 101 – What Every Parent Needs to Know: This 8-part video series on cannabis awareness and education aims to equip parents, caregivers, and caring adults with valuable insights into cannabis-related topics, fostering a deeper understanding of its effects on adolescents.

Connecting and talking with your child is an essential part of keeping them healthy and encouraging the development of their good decision-making skills. But getting your child to give you more than a “yes” or “no” answer can sometimes be challenging.

Try using these conversation cards to start a conversation with youth of any age. Use them as a game, as part of your family meals, or even while driving in the car.

Caron’s blog page features posts written by Caron’s experts who educate, introduce new ideas, or provide expert commentary on policy and issues surrounding the disease of addiction and recovery.

The following digital PDFs are available for your use and can be downloaded by clicking the links below:


Programa de Video

Cannabis 101: Lo Que Todo Padre Debe Saber

Esta serie de vídeos de 8 partes sobre concientización y educación sobre el cannabis tiene como objetivo dotar a los padres, cuidadores y adultos solidarios con información valiosa sobre temas relacionados con el cannabis, fomentando una comprensión más profunda de sus efectos en los adolescentes.

  • Extensive services and resources available to parents and youth-serving professionals. Access Caron’s Education Alliance Resource Center & Store here for a variety of resources you can use and share.
A man and a woman leaning on each other

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