
Ross Peet's Story

I have been around the disease of addiction my entire life, if you shake the family tree we are scattered everywhere. A while ago I was fortunate enough to have figured out that my life would be infinitely better in active recovery. Along the way I made a few friends and tried to help a few people. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t, but the intent was always pure. About 10 years ago I had a friend who was in a bad way, and they went to Caron in Wernersville, Pennsylvania and came back completely transformed. I took notice and saw that there were a lot of friends who had gone there and some that would go there. As time passed, I got to know Caron even more intimately by spending time with folks in the New York office and I got to see firsthand the intelligence, compassion, and hard work that they demonstrate with patients suffering from the disease of addiction. I believe strongly that nobody has a monopoly on this work, we are all just doing the best we can. I was so impressed in fact that I started working at Caron in their New York office back in October.

The Leadville 100 is a race that has eluded me twice. Twice I have trained hard and twice I have failed to finish. As I was going through the training the first time around my good friend said to me - ‘enjoy the journey of getting to the starting line, that’s the part that really matters’ .. I began to think about it, and he was absolutely correct. I finished my first 100-mile race last summer (in Steamboat Springs, CO) and I know for a fact that I will be as prepared as ever this August when I attempt to finish Leadville. But more than anything, I can say I will enjoy getting to the starting line. Sobriety to me is very analogous, stay on the path and even if you don’t always get where you are trying to go in life, as long as you stay in the light then all will be ok.

Caron is a non-profit, so every dollar we raise goes towards the mission of helping as many people as possible. Last year, Caron gave away over $5 million in charity care for those that can’t afford treatment.

This year, I am attempting to raise $100,000 to help that cause. Please consider helping us reach this goal!”

Your Gift Can Make a Difference

Gifts made through this site will be directed to Caron’s Mission Fund to address immediate needs.

All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law, as no goods or services were provided in consideration of your gift. Please note that if you received an auction item or service, these items are not tax deductible because you are getting something in return for your money. Only donations above the value of the goods or services received are tax deductible.

If you wish to donate by mail, please make checks payable to Caron, noting your donation is in honor of Ross Peet and send to:

Caron Treatment Centers
Attention: Kelsey Hunsicker
P.O. Box 150
Wernersville, PA 19565

When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use the information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction.

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