Rally for Recovery

Raising money for the Scholarship fund at the Caron Foundation is something I feel passionate about because I believe this facility can truly change lives. The event I am organizing, Rally for Recovery, was created in memory of my brother Bobby’s wife, Randi Erica Coulson, who passed away in October 2015 from a heroin overdose. She left behind 3 young boys ages 10, 7 and my nephew who was 5 months old at the time. As Randi and Bobby’s relationship developed I saw great changes in my brother that I have never seen before. They loved and respected each other and brought out the best in one another. Sadly, one thing they shared was a history of addiction. Although they seemed to be doing well, their struggles went deeper than we could have imagined.
One month after my sister-in-law’s passing, my brother Rally for Recovery was incarcerated. Now my 5-month old nephew, an innocent child, was left with no parents. Our family has been through so much in the past year and a half. Since my brother has approximately 18 months left to serve, I along with my husband Rob now have custody of my nephew along with our own 10-year-old daughter Nova. I often think how happy we are to provide this little boy with the love and support he will need along the way. I will never give up hope that my brother can live a clean life with his son again. I am sure Randi did not think that her decisions on that day would change her families lives forever. We will always remember her smile and the love and joy she brought to our family. I hope her story will leave an impact you today and inspire you to join us in the fight against this terrible disease.
Your Gift Can Make a Difference
Caron also leads the industry in scholarship care providing more aid to families who cannot afford treatment than three of the recognized treatment centers combined. Caron not only dedicates a percentage of patient revenue to scholarship care, we are also fortunate to be able to partner with family, friends and corporate leaders to raise scholarship dollars that go directly to helping patients and their families recover from this devastating disease. Unfortunately, there are still families who cannot afford treatment. Your gift, regardless of the size, will help us begin to bridge this financial gap.
If you wish to donate by mail, please make checks payable to Caron, noting your donation is for Rally for Recovery and send to:
Caron Treatment Centers
Attention: Kelsey Moore
P.O. Box 150
Wernersville, PA 19565
When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use the information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction.
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